Thursday, July 12, 2007

Post-Vacation Backlog

Okay, many of you already know that I'm a slave to the icon. The cool grid and all of the Website's awesome icons really get my compulsive side going. I'm not really excited about the bingo - I just like seeing the grid fill up and this trip has definitely added a bunch of icons to my grid. My guess is that when all is said and done, I'll have icons for close to 50 new categories. Weird how a 1/4" picture can get a grown woman all excited. It's like back in elementary school and getting gold stars on your homework (only much more stylish :)

The quest for categories has caused me some hemming and hawing as to which waymarks to post first. I'm torn between the waymarks that will get me a new icon and the waymarks that are just really cool or are in my favorite categories. I opted to post the new category waymarks that are hard to find and that might be posted out from under me (take note Bruce, Farkle and NevaP.) So rare or regional waymarks like Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple, my Mies van der Rohe IBM Building for the "Master Architects: International Style" category, my state historic marker waymarks, and Historic Survey Stone have been waymarked. Next, I've been trying to post the waymarks that I think are really cool (or weird) - Frank Gehry's Pritzker Pavilion, the Jolly Green Giant, the Spam Museum (an oddball museum - you can't get much odder than Spam), famous sculptures by Picasso, Calder, Miro and Chagall, and oh so much more.

It's gotten to the point where I have to limit myself on computer time. I get so excited about posting the waymarks for some of these places that I'm not getting any work done. I swear I must have spent about 6 hours total on the computer the other day. I took most of today off from the computer to catch up, but watch out - tomorrow I'm back, baby!

The above photo is a detail shot of the coffered stained glass ceiling of Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple in Oak Park, Illinois. It is one of my favorite buildings and it was an awesome experience to get to wander around the building and soak it all up. He was truly a genius. I went overboard taking pictures of the church so be sure to check out the gallery.

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