Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Unnamed Sources

Do you ever come across the ultimate online reference for a difficult-to-find category and then refuse to share the wealth? I'll admit that I've been known to sit on some Websites, even though I have a great category resource page over on to share this type of information. I don't hold back forever - just until I have a chance to waymark one for myself. After that I'm all about the sharing. Recently I hemmed and hawed about adding a certain Art-o-mat Weblink to the category resource page because there are less than 100 possible waymarks in that category (I believe) and I only have a visit so far. I would have held onto it if there were any spots listed that I could find in the near future (Oregon, Idaho or Washington) - but all of the machines in my area had already been posted. So I begrudgingly added the link to the resource page.

So am I the only stingy waymarker out here? I'm guessing that most of the gridders have been known to hide a resource or two. Who knows, I may still have some great ones that I'm not unveiling. I would tell you, I promise, but then I'd have to kill you. :)

I urge everyone to share their national and international online resources that pertain to specific categories (I don't include region specific resources so the page doesn't get too unwieldy.) Of course, I understand if you have to hold onto it awhile to get first dibs. I'm not looking for the sites that the category description already shares, but others that you come across that would help people locate waymarks within a specific category. Informational Websites are great, but information is often easier to come by than a great database or site locater. My goal is to build up the Webpage so all of us can use it as a resource. Just email me if you have something that you think might be a good addition to the page.

The photo above shows one of the two Art-o-mats that we have visited. This one is in Oak Park, IL, and the other is located in downtown Tacoma, WA. If we get a chance we may visit the Washington D.C. Art-o-mat in the the Tenleytown neighborhood next week.


Mr. 0 said...

I can't think of specific resources I use. If it's something that I'm not familiar with I usually google it to see what comes up. I try to stay away from Wikipedia when I can. Due to the nature of the site it can be less than reliable. One that I can think of that I've used often is to look around at where I can find graves of famous people locally.

Although, knowing my own personality, and my love for new icons. If I did stumble on something that would net me a new icon, I might keep it under wraps until I could post said Waymark. Just like you mentioned. Though aside from Familytrees, and the occasional drive through by Silverquill, Marine Biologist, and kbarhow, there really aren't any other W'mers around here so it's not much of an issue.

Anonymous said...

I got one I hold on to. I had two but another waymarker posted in the forums about it so now that one is out of the bag. Someone else in the area even made the comment of how it explains some of the places we found.

So I hold dearly to this one remainder. If I were a native to the area, I'd put it out there, but since I'm not, I use it for reference for places the natives should already know about. I look at it this way, I could use the edge since I don't have home court advantage.

It also lessens the sting when I see really great waymarks from my ol' stomping grounds.

There, that's my story and I'm schticking to it.