Friday, November 16, 2007

Flickr Waymarking Group Photo Contest Winner

There's a group of waymarkers who love taking photos while out waymarking and so the waymarker Ambrosia created a group over on where they can show off their favorite waymark photos. We are always welcoming new members so if you are interested be sure to check out the group's page on Flickr.

The group hosts a monthly photo contest and the photo shown above is the winner for the October contest whose theme was "lines." Mr. 0 took this great picture at the Claibourne Cemetery Mauseleum. Use this link to see all of the photos that were entered in the October contest (and there were a bunch of great ones.) We tried out a new way of voting for this contest and it worked so well that next month we are going to open up the voting to any waymarkers, whether they are a Flickr group member or not. This way more people will have a chance to see the creative, beautiful photos that the group is uploading and maybe join in on the fun themselves.

Currently the November contest is underway and this one has an interesting twist. The theme is the letter "W" (for Waymarking) and the winner's photo will be used as the logo for the Flickr photography group on The "W" can either be an actual letter, say from a waymarked sign, or it can be a "found" letter that exists in the visual linework of the photo. The contest will run through the end of the month and then voting will take place between December 1st and 15th. If you're interested in joining in on the fun head over to the Flickr group and read the group thread about the November contest. If not, then we hope you'll join us for the voting process when that begins. You can find the current photos that have been entered in the November contest here. We also have a page for past contests that you might be interested in. Currently there are just the September and October contests shown there, as we just started up the contest this Fall (or Spring, depending on which hemisphere you're reading this in,) but it will continue to grow.

I'll try to keep everyone posted on the current contest and when voting cycles start and end. Happy waymarking!

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