Saturday, August 11, 2007

Paperless Waymarking

When you're out waymarking it's nice to have something along to remind you what the requirements are for specific categories. Some of the requirements seems so obscure and it is more than irksome to have something denied because "you MUST have a photograph of the sign showing exactly in the center AND the building showing in the background AND you dancing a jig with your fingers held up making a W for 'Waymarking' AND the gps balanced on top of your head with the time and date stamp showing". Okay, I may be exaggerating a bit but sometimes the requirements are downright silly.

To solve this problem I had been printing out my spreadsheet that lists all of the categories with their requirements coded so they would only take up a single line. Even so I would end up with about 10 pieces of paper that were hopelessly out of date within a month.

The Waymarker, flipflopnick, came up with a great idea that he made available on the forums and on the community tool section of my Website, Wayward Waymarking. He created simple text files of all the category desriptions/requirements and then downloads them to a PDA. It doesn't take up too much space because they're .txt files and they are there at the touch of a button. When new categories are added to the directory, you can just upload the updates. We'll be getting updates from flipflopnick monthly and you can either just download those or make the new text files yourself. No more wasted printouts! If you don't have a PDA and want to go paperless, they can be purchased on Ebay fairly inexpensively - you don't need anything fancy. Of course, this may be a good excuse to buy one of the new ones that do everything but drive the car for you. :)

1 comment:

0ccam said...

One thing about PDAs. The newer ones are difficult to read in daylight. (At least the ones I've seen so far.) I have an old Handspring Visor Platinum. Uses a pair of AAA batteries (you have time to change them if they did, but don't leave dead ones in there very long or it'll forget). Monochrome display. EASY to read in daylight.
I use it for geocaching and waymarking and as a phone book.