Thursday, March 22, 2007

Waypolls and Waybooks

I added a couple of features over the last couple of days that I wanted to tell you about.

First, I added a "waybook" recommendation section on the sidebar. I'm a book junkie and I thought it would be fun to share some category specific recommendations with you. Now, yes, if you hover over the book name it will give you info and you can link over to Amazon, but you can also go to your local library or indie bookstore if you feel like it. It's not like I'll get rich off the 35 or 40 cents Amazon will give me if you buy the book from them - that's not the point at all. My plan is to pick a category, or maybe two, and make some suggestions of great books (or music) that are specific to that category. I started out with Route 66 and suggested some books that I've been reading/have read, and a soundtrack for roadtrip music. I'll add another group of recommendations when I have the time to look through the categories. If you have any suggestions, be sure to leave a comment and let me know.

The second feature I have added to the sidebar is a waymarking poll. Right now I have about 1 visitor a day to the blog so I don't know how much the poll will tell us. However, it seemed like it would be fun. I've started with a benign question, but will move on to some of the more controversial stuff that gets argued about in the forums. Ta-Ta for now. I've got to go plan where I want to waymark this weekend.

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