Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Out of the loop

Boy, I am so out of the loop lately. Here I am continuing to curse the forums and they are actually working now!! You guys could have told me! Well, Bruce actually did tell me.

I browsed through a few different threads and it didn't seem like there were any crazy Web-battles going on, which was nice. The constant grousing was really getting on my nerves. It seems like actual debate is an art that has been lost, at least online.

I also missed out on the town hall that Groundspeak held last Wednesday. My plan was to re-learn how to connect to the damn thing because I am hopeless with those types of things and then join in. However, time got away from me and by the time I remembered it was 6:30pm and well into the conversation so I didn't bother.

So, what have I missed in the forums over the last 4-6 months since I've been a regular there? Any major discussions? Any threads that I should take the time to go back and read? Any that I shouldn't read? ;)

Hope all is well with the waymarking masses and that there are good things coming in the near future as far as Website functionality goes.


Mr. 0 said...

I read this last night, and have been thinking about it, but I really can't say that you've missed much in the forums. Most of the discussion has been about category proposals, and the fact that the forums weren't working. Oh and Nate did promise to give everyone who responded to one of his posts a $1,000 check. It's a shame that you missed that one. ;)

Mr. 0 said...

Also, if you haven't done so already you can email Nate and he'll get you a copy of the chat transcript from the last townhall.

Bruce said...

Get the transcript of chat so you can see my response to a new class of waymarkers if allow waymarks to be entered with a minimal amount of information. :-)