Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Profile Page Updates

The team at Groundspeak has yet again added some goodies to the profile sections of the Website that will make the game even more addictive for those of you who love watching your number of waymarks posted and visited slowly (or quickly in some folks case) rise.

On the forums awhile back folks were talking about wanting some kind of award icon added to users' profile pages to let folks know what level they've reached in their total waymarks. Yeah, I know. There's already the little red and white box showing the count, but isn't it fun to get ribbons? A little like the gold stars you earned on school work back in elementary school. The awards start at 25 waymarks and go all the way up to 5,000.

There are other treats, too. On the right sidebar of your profile page you'll see a new box. In it are some great new site functions that you'll be sure to enjoy. You can now click on the "view gallery" link in this box to see all the photos that you've posted to - your own personal Waymarking photography gallery. If you have Google Earth on your computer you can click on the "Waymarking Footprint" link to see the areas you've waymarked around the world highlighted on the globe. Another Google Earth feature is that you can now click on "Download all My Waymarks" to download your waymarks in .kml format to Google Earth in one fail swoop, rather than page by page, like you used to have to do.

There are probably additional upgrades that I haven't noticed yet, so if you guys see anything that I missed be sure to add it in the comment section of this post.

OH! I almost forgot! The and profiles have now been separated so you can personalize each profile to its own Website. Don't panic when you click on your profile page and much of the previous info that you entered is missing. Just go over to and copy the old parts you want to use from your geocaching profile over to your waymarking profile. Here's our new Waymarking specific profile. I love that this has been separated.

Not to be ungrateful, because I LOVE the new profile page set up, but I had one more suggestion for the U.S. map section of the profiles. It might be cool to have a key to the map along the side that shows the different shades of blue and what they stand for (i.e. "1-10 waymarks" and a small box with the lightest blue in it). Just a little extra something, in case you're bored and looking for things to do over there at Groundspeak now that this update is up and running. :)

Seriously, thanks to everyone over at Groundspeak for constantly continuing to upgrade the Website making it more user friendly and just all around a fun place to hang out on the Internet.


Gil said...

For me the gallery is only showing photos for waymarks that I have created. This galley includes pictures that others have uploaded to my waymarks. It also doesn't include photos that I have uploaded to other peoples waymarks. At least I think it doesn't. :)

Hikenutty said...

I think that Bootron is in the process of fixing that right now. I agree that it would be nicer to see only the photos that you yourself have uploaded, whether to your own waymarks or to logged visits to other people's waymarks. I'm not sure if it works this way or not, but it would be nice if I could open up another waymarker's profile and check out their gallery. I'm always looking for photo's to feature on Wayward Waymarking and that would be another way to look for them.