Thursday, May 10, 2007

Waymarking Backlogs

As anyone who's posted a waymark knows, it's a heck of a lot easier to take coordinates and photos for a waymark than it is to post one. Because of this, avid waymarkers can build up quite a backlog of waymarks that they need to post. Some of my online waymarking pals have backlogs in the hundreds. I personally don't know how they do it because I get completely overwhelmed if I get more than about 20 behind.

Well, when I started planning the road trip we'll be embarking on in 6 weeks, I had this brilliant idea. I would pre-post (without submitting for review) the waymarks for all of the spots that I know we would be in and then, once I had the photos and the exact coordinates, I would quickly edit the waymarks and submit it.

As of this date, I have pre-posted over 75 waymarks and my bright idea is starting to backfire a bit. Here in the Tacoma area, I waymark all by my lonesome. Team Hikenutty is pretty much it. However, the areas that I will be visiting have competition and I am slowly finding that my carefully pre-posted waymarks are turning up in categories as other waymarkers beat me to the punch. For the most part, it's no biggie, but when it's a category that I can't find here in Washington it's painful. The one place that I figured I'd have no trouble with is the spots that I plan to waymark in my husband's home town of Evanston, Wyoming. Who goes to Evanston? I mean, it's no Yellowstone, let's just put it that way. So imagine my amazement when today as I was browsing through the newest posted waymarks that I should happen upon two Evanston, WY waymarks - both for the town's Lincoln Highway marker, and a third, for the Utah/Wyoming border 4 miles out of town. A 4th waymark that I planned to post over in Laramie, Wyoming was on the list too. Unbelieveable! I mean, Caverspencer, WHY on earth were you in Evanston? I know you weren't caving, and I can't imagine it was for the booming tourism industry. And NevaP -- you're from Nebraska. Did you have to take Wyoming's giant Lincoln statue? I would think that a Lincoln statue would be pretty easy to find, say, in LINCOLN, Nebraska!

Okay, I'm just joking with you guys. It's not like I can't log a visit to them. It's just, well, - best laid plans and all that jazz. In the end I will likely come home from this trip with a backlog of hundreds that will keep me busy until December, when I start planning a 2008 trip.

The above photo is Caverspencer's shot of the Wyoming/Utah border on I-80 that I planned on waymarking on June 22. Why Devil's Tower is on the sign is beyond me. It's in the opposite (NE) corner of the state. Oh I know! It's because they didn't think that a picture of sagebrush and skinny half starved cattle would be welcoming enough. :) (If my in-laws find this blog I am SO screwed.)


Bruce said...

Neva got one of the Lincolns in Lincoln and I got the other for the Lincoln category. I had waymarked them both for the Historic Figure category. Hmmmm now I wonder what other ones are on your list so I can sneak up and get it.

I have had a few waymarked on me while they were in my backlog.


Hikenutty said...

But this was a GIANT Lincoln head, not just any old statue. [whine, sniff-sniff] No way are you getting my list! I just printed out the top-secret waymarking roadtrip spreadsheet now so I can pack it with the stuff being sent to Wyoming ahead of time . I guard it with my life! ;)